Hookah Smoking: Know few of the Suggestions

Estimated read time 2 min read

Before smoking, place ice in the glass base of the hookah and get the water ice cold. This results in a more pleasant smoking experience. Some individuals smoke the hookah like they would a cigar, while others inhale the smoke. Neither technique is correct. Hookahs are all about personal choice. When you initially start smoking your hookah try putting the charcoal around the outside of the bowl and move it in. The final location for your charcoal should be in the centre of the bowl. To know more about it you can visit https://blackshisha.com/

Crumble it up with your fingers before packing the bowl to evenly distribute it. When you have finished packing the bowl, cut a square of aluminium foil from one of our hookah foil packets. Wrap the foil over the top to make a tight surface. Poke a lot of tiny holes in the foil with a toothpick or another small pointed instrument. Once the charcoal has been sufficiently roasted and coated by a fine layer of ash, place it on the foil. Allowing the coal to burn for a few minutes before placing it in the bowl can help avoid the bowl from becoming contaminated with charcoal flavour.


Place the foil securely over the hookah bowl, shiny side down, to maintain more heat from the charcoal. To keep the smoke from becoming stale, constantly blow away the smoke that gathers in the glass base every now and again. This removes some of the unpleasant flavour from the stale smoke and is supposed to aid in the removal of a layer of carbon monoxide that is said to accumulate just above the water. You can even checkout few websites like https://blackshisha.com/  to know more about the hookah.

Split a piece of charcoal into two or four pieces and place them on the edges of the bowl for an equal burn. The more coals you use the more smoke you get. Use fewer coals to get less smoke. Line the interior of your hookah bowl with foil and punch through the perforations. The foil coating keeps taste from penetrating the ceramic bowl. If the smoke becomes too “ashy or unpleasant,” consider removing some coal. If there isn’t enough smoke, add additional coal.

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